2015年12月31日 星期四

21 days project - Find grateful things everyday - Day 21

Looking back this day, after a little shock.

As usual, I went for work, and everything was peace and smooth. I am grateful of the environment and nice co-workers. And thank you, the one who prepare vegan waffles and a young man who helped me.

After work, I hit with another car, while our speed was quite slow, at around 10 to 20 km per hour. Both of our cars got hurt. Dumb dumb as me, I moved my car for trying not to block the traffic, and forgot to take picture waiting for the police and then move away. Anyway, I called the police, and then called my father. Then we went to police station together, took a statement, and settled reconciliation.  Thank you Silvery, you protected me.

2015年12月30日 星期三

21 days project - Find grateful things everyday - Day 19~20

這兩天,我騎摩托車上班,挺冷的,但是也挺有趣的。適逢道路在整修,摩托車顯得很俐落,雖然我的後背有點受傷挺不直,但在父親的調理下今天已經好9成了~ 感謝我的父親和母親。
These two days, I rode scooters to work, it's quite cold but also quite fun. The road is under construction, and scooter is very  convenient. Even though my back waist hurt, but it has become way much better that Dad helped me~ I am grateful that I have awesome parents.

The cold wind was dancing wildly while riding scooter, and I always grit my teeth. Then for some reason I found myself so stiff, I thought of RELAX from many teacher had told me. So I told myself to put my back straight slowly, and then I thought of the hand gesture taught by Stanley, trying to make myself mimic that gesture during traffic, and make myself warmer. I became more concentrated and then just more relax, also I didn't feel too cold. I am grateful that I've met sooo many good teachers, no matter it's in real life, or from internet.

2015年12月29日 星期二

21 days project - Find grateful things everyday - Day 15~18

First of all, I haven't been here for 4 days, because I went for a English translate training course. This is the most abundant day in this year, and it has been a long time since I really want to keep attending the course, and want to follow the teacher last time. It is not just because the teacher is handsome, it's because they are just like a treasure mountain, I can learn so much from them. I am really really grateful.

在參與訓練的前一天,是平安夜。依舊是一個不寒冷的冬夜。下班前,打了通電給爸媽說,今晚請別煮晚餐,我要煮~ 於是下班後去超市買食材,不是什麼特別的料理,只是大鍋菜湯,是一種火鍋的概念。
The day before I attended the course, it was Christmas Eve. Another warm winter night. After off from work, I called my parents telling them not to cook dinner tonight, because I want to cook~ Then I went to prepare some food material. It's not something special, just a pot full of different vegetables and mushrooms, a concept of hot pot.

2015年12月23日 星期三

21 days project - Find grateful things everyday - Day 14


Another warm winter day, I wore short T-shirt with a thin coat, and brought a heavy coat with me, just in case it became cold in the afternoon.

It's a bit foggy this morning, and this reminds me a super foggy day in the past, I couldn't see through, I couldn't see the front car unless it's close enough (around 3 meters). I drove on the river road, surrounded by white, a really beautiful, fairy, unreal and touched scenery. The graceful phenomenon while moving on the road, the cautiousness while meeting and passing by anther car, diffusing some alert sensation. Couldn't see through but so beautiful, and I moved on slowly, I used my memory about this place to imagine its environment so I could grab the sensation of distance, feeling more secure. Except for traffic jam, it's not often to drive this slow. This phenomenon made me feel surrounded by fairies~ a bit nervous from the unknown, more excitement and my imaginary was widely opened~~

2015年12月22日 星期二

21 days project - Find grateful things everyday - Day 13

今日有點回溫,我帶的外套還是在午睡的時候派上用場了~ 我是個在哪都能睡得很好的人(前提是不需要處於備戰狀態的情況)。感謝這一覺好眠~
It's warm today, the coat I brought still become my pillow on the desk while noon nap~ It seems I can sleep well in many situation~ (well not in a situation that I have to always ready to fight.) I am grateful of this nice nap~

2015年12月21日 星期一

21 days project - Find grateful things everyday - Day 12

今天,我決定看電影~~(在電腦上看) 順道一提,我看了三部電影!
I decided to watch movies today~~~!! (through computer) By the way, I watched three movies!

這是一個再放鬆不過的一天~ 我很感謝有這樣愜意的時光~  :)
我呢,在某種程度上算是宅女,只要我準備看哪出劇、動畫、漫畫或電影,我可以一直看直到結束~ 但是跟職業宅可能無法比,我的最高紀錄只有在3天內追完96及的神劍闖江湖! 那是

2015年12月20日 星期日

21 days project - Find grateful things everyday - Day 11

早上起床先和我親愛的夥伴視訊一下,感謝我可愛的夥伴~~胡亂的搞笑和吃冰淇淋!!話說Coconut Bliss在做折扣,但是我買不到~~~~~~所以我吃之前買的Mori vegan囉,抹茶口味的很不賴~
This morning after I woke up and got out of my bed, I webcam with my beloved partner, playing funny together and I was eating ice dream!!I thank you my partner, you are just a precious! He said Coconut Bliss is on discount, but I can't buy them~~~~~~~~since they are not sold here! So I ate Mori vegan ice cream I bought couple days ago, well mocha flavor is really good~

接著,去拜訪一位姊姊,不久前她生了寶寶~ 於是帶了尿布去看她。寶寶很可愛,挺安靜的~ 祝福她健康快樂的長大。寶寶的哥哥很有禮貌~ 聊了許多~ 感謝互相給予的許多祝福。
Then I went out to visit a lady, who delivered a baby not long ago, and I brought diaper as a gift. The baby was cute and calm, I wish her a happy healthy growing-up. By the way the elder brother of the baby is really polite~ The lady and I chatted a lot, I am grateful that we sent each other tons of blessings.

21 days project - Find grateful things everyday - Day 10

雖說有記錄下來當天的感謝項目,但沒有打上來,自己心裡想的和將它具現化,需要行動力阿~~ 我要振作一下了!
Ooooookey, I become lazy in such a cozy cold winter time and the weekend!
So today what I write here is actually the article of gratitude of the day before yesterday~
Although I did record the things I am going to write, but I ended up didn't upload them here, to visualization my thoughts into words~ I need to activate myself and just do it!